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H7 HDK & libLM.so? (Linux)

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There should be an "hdkinstall" in $HT/bin.  Run that (even under Linux) to get HDK working.  You'll probably need internet conectivity to check out a (free) HDK license which happens automatically when you run hdkinstall.

and yes, make sure you have a newer build, I think I needs to be > 173 or 175 for Linux.


hdkinstall works fine, but "libLM.so error still here".

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I have the same error on my linux box. The great thing of hdkinstall is, that it installs a full HDK-license and after that even previous builds of Houdini could make use of the HDK. So I used version 7.0.171 to run hdkinstall and now I'm compiling plugins with version 7.0.142 until a higher release, that doesn't have a broken HDK, will be published to the apprentice community.

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