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What is a BRDF?


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BRDFs is still somewhat of a blackbox for me. I have no idea what it is. All I really know is that a BRDF has yellow connections, and if I multiply it with the vector {1,0,0} for example, I get the red component (the rendered surface will become red). Why is this happening? What is "inside" that yellow connection? Is it a vector? A matrix built by different angles? Something else? How do I wrap my head around what a BRDF actually is in terms of numbers?


I tried looking around but I couldn't quite find anything explaining this. If anyone has the time to explain I would be grateful :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think what you're getting at is - what datatype is a BRDF - ie what does the yellow mean... The answer is the 'F' in the 'BRDF' - it's a mathematical function... not so much a number (int or flaot), or series of numbers (vec), or a string, it's a function - as per wikipedia "In mathematics, a function[1] is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output"... 


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