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How to find rotation angles between two vectors


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How to find rotation angles between two vectors?


Lets say Vector A = {0, 1, 0} and B = {1, 0, 0}, the angle between these vectors is 45.


We can find this angle by using combination of dot product and inverse cosine. But I would like to know the rotation vector like {45, 0, 0}


Thanks for your time

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Many thanks Edward that helps.


I would like to know the maths behind it, if you have idea could you share it?


One way is to just derive the angle as you know how to do that already and then create a quaternion for it. Then you can either use the quaternion to rotate vectors directly, or convert into a rotation matrix if desired.

A quick google:


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One way is to just derive the angle as you know how to do that already and then create a quaternion for it. Then you can either use the quaternion to rotate vectors directly, or convert into a rotation matrix if desired.

A quick google:


Thanks Edward,


This link give me clear understanding. 


But Its weird that I got wrong result when I try to implement same logic in VEX, I might be doing something wrong.


I have attached my scene file.


Edited by kare
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