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FX Snow Avalanche Challenge


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Hey Guys,

CG Talk Avalanche Challenge. Is anyone going to go for it? The challenge goes for 4 weeks and its already into the 1st week.

Snow Avalanche FX Challenge

I think I could do good with the particles and the collisions of the actual simulation but I am not really sure how to write volumetric Mantra shaders still. Still learning renderman.


Nate Nesler

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  anakin78z said:
I'm pretty sure DD wins with XXX.  Too bad I didn't get to work on that  ;)


Hey Jens,

Yeah that is a sure thing. lol But this is not a studio doing it just a couple of guys. Thought it might be fun. Just think you could have Pugsy snow boarding down the Avalanche along the slope. lol


Nate Nesler


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  TheDunadan said:
Hi Nate,

you suggest that team odforce joins the challange ? :)

Writing shaders is the part that I'd feel at home with the most and I'm gonna test a few things later today. If intrested I'll send you the shaders/results



Hey Jens,

Yeah I would be interested. Aracid might join too which would be good. I think I have figured out how to make the houses/building blow apart and rip the leaves off of the trees. :);) I will send you my files when you tell me where to send them. You can tell me in an email or something if you don't want it to be public. :);)


Nate Nesler


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I have been keeping my eye on the challenge as well and was hoping to enter something but just to swampped with work right now. Hopefully when the next one comes along I'll have more free time.

It would be great to see what you come up with! It would be great to have a Houdini team kick some butt over on the CGTalk FX wars!

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  MatrixNAN said:
Hey Jens,

Yeah that is a sure thing.  lol  But this is not a studio doing it just a couple of guys.  Thought it might be fun.  Just think you could have Pugsy snow boarding down the Avalanche along the slope.  lol 


Nate Nesler

:lol:  :D


Hehe, and they had more than 4 weeks to do it, too. It sounds like a lot of fun though, and you guys should definately go for it. I wish I could help, but work and life has me so swamped these days :( . I'd like to try using pointclouds to drive the volumetrics... maybe I'll hack together a shader from the old i3d shaders and the new pointcloud functions.

Good luck guys, can't wait to see it!


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  anakin78z said:
Pugsy is ready to rock!


Hey Jens,

LOL Awesome I can have snow particles emit from the board and use my crowd sim study to control him in a totally non-linear animation to traverse the slope and ski through the snow. I can easily change his rate of speed to be right on the edge of the snow action. You In?


Nate Nesler

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  MatrixNAN said:
You In?


Hmn... sounds like a lot of fun, though I really don't know where I'll find the time.

I did however find the time to give pugsy some feet, finally ;) .

Anyhoo, I'm in as long as it's ok that I'll take a long time sometimes, given that I can only work on it early mornings and late nights.



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Hey Jens,

That is more than fine with me. I am busy with school for the majority of the day and then I work at night. So I work on it mainly over the weekend, but I did have a chance yesterday to get some work done on it for about 3 hours. :);) I will do the crowd sim setup for pugsy this weekend since that will take a short amount of time because I know exactly what to do, and I will wrap it up into a Digital Asset. It will be just a simple crowd sim but it will work nicely for this particular effect.


Nate Nesler


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Hey Jens,

Almost have the crowd sim setup done for pugsy to be intergrated in. All I have left to do is create some avoidance areas so that pugsy will snow board in between the trees and dodge the house. If I have time I will add a banking system for pugsy. :);)


Nate Nesler


P.S. This is going to be fun having pugsy in there. I was even thinkings of setups up some dynamics for his ears and skin to be affected by the wind so it will kind of flap in the wind so to speak. That would be funny. :);)

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