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How do you manage your cache files?


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I am caching to disk from Houdini so I don't have to recook parts of the network again which helps a lot but I don't know how to manage these files across all the scenes.


How do you deal with this? Do you store all the caches in a dedicated drive? Perhaps an SSHD? Do you store them in a separate folder per scene file?


What about the naming scheme? It seems pretty hard to come up with sensible names that will not only identify the contents but also not clash with other caches.


How do you know what to delete and what to keep?


It would be nice if people explained what worked for them and what didnt.



Thanks :)

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That's a good gotcha. Is there a way to get a numeric value unique to a Houdini scene? Max has an id that stores the time the scene/node is created so it's pretty unique for your own files.


I assume you can use Python to make a much better way to create unique numbers once per scene as soon as any caching is initiated.

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I have a 512 SSD at d: that is mapped in env.conf to SIMD, and I usually write to $SIMD/sceneName/objectSimmed.versXX.bgeo

When I need more space (for footage used in comp or whatever), I move everything from the 512 SSD d:/houdini , to a 2TB hybrid e:/houdini - comparable speed, but still no SSD.

So in case I open a scene up, and $SIMD errors out but I know I still have the cache, $SIME finds the new location.


From time to time I go through the new location and delete what I am no longer using - worked pretty well so far...


And of course, when I am incrementing my cache, I always increment my version# so I know what scene gave out what and can backtrack...

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SSD (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B009NB8WTI?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s04)

read 370MB/s write 302MB/s


HDD (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B006KCX0UE?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s01)

read 138MB/s write 135MB/s


I have another 256 SSD for the OS, dual boot win/linux, and the 512 is cache only, with the HDD as storage/temp cache.

Edited by cojoMan
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