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LightWave sub-forum in "Other Software"?


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As far as I know Houdini only supports the LW file format from version 2... which is pretty old.

Tell you what though, in the meantime post in the 'other software' one, and if the amount of topics on LW justify its own forum then I'll give it one.

Good enough?


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  • 2 weeks later...
As far as I know Houdini only supports the LW file format from version 2... which is pretty old.

Tell you what though, in the meantime post in the 'other software' one, and if the amount of topics on LW justify its own forum then I'll give it one.

Good enough?


Yeah, maybe it's a little useless to create a sub-forum for it. Since the others are quite empty aswell.

Anyways, now you say. I manage to import LWO's from version 5.6 in Houdini correctly with groups and all still intact. However there doesn't seem to be support for 6.*+ yet. Which I don't mind though, since LW 7.5, which I sometimes use, is capble of exporting (even UV-mapped) OBJ's. Which can be imported in Houdini correctly.

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