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Turning off avatars (and other screen-crud)


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Now that I've seen most of the avatars, I'm quite happy to have them turned off. However, turning them off just replaces them with... a box. Can that box be made to completely go away? Heck, if *all* that stuff on the side can be made to go away (aside from the poster's name), I'd be happy. As it is, even a one-line post takes up an enormous amount of screen space, making reading these forums a PITA. When reading a forum, I don't care what member number you are, where you're from, when you joined, or any of that other stuff. If I'm interested, I'll click on the name to get the profile.


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Hi Ammon,

At the bottom of the page is a LoFi button - try that :) How does that feel? I like it, except it doesn't show new posts.


Yeah, I saw that right after posting. If it had a reply button under each post (and showed new posts), and still had any images embedded in the post, it'd be perfect. Sort of a med-fi version.

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