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Tangent space normal maps from Crazybump.

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Hi All


I am trying to apply some normal maps created from Crazybump. I am getting weird results using the default mantra surface shader. It doesnt look correct.

I am aware of previous topics regarding normal maps,  but unfortunately didnt help me. 


I also found this   http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini14.0/nodes/shop/ogl2_tangentnormalmap   


I launched the file and there is this ogl2 tangentnormalmap  material but unfortunately its failing . When I middle click I get this message.

This node uses an incomplete asset definition. It will not function properly

until the asset library containing the full definition is installed.


 Anyone has a workflow or some tips on how to make tangent space normal maps properly work?


Thank you.

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Thanks Skybar.

Yep I am well aware of that thread.

I got eetu's shader which is indeed working with the nvidia face.

When I used the crazybump generated normal maps it just felt that something was off. Tried flipping some axes but at some point I lost confidence on wheather what I was seeing was correct.

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Yeah I know what you mean. Sometimes you need to step away for a bit and come back a bit later, hehe.. Hope it works out!


Just for clarification though, you said you used a default mantra surface. That doesn't work with tangent normals out-of-the-box, but I'm sure you've noticed.

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There's also this awesome asset on Orbolt that you might want to check out. I use it all the time.

It works with tangent-space normal maps generated not only by ZBrush, like its name suggests, but also 3D-Coat, Bitmap2Material and Substance Designer (generally it appears to be compatible with, so called, Maya nad 3DS Max TSNM), so it most likely will also work with maps generated by CrazyBump. Just toggle the Invert Bump parameter if you see strange results.


Edited by ajz
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