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FLIP: killing particles by age


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I've looked into some old posts (from 2007-2009) to help me find a way to kill points of the FLIP by the age.


So what I did was to create an attribute in the sourcevolume called "birth" (and set to $T), and then in sopsolver I'm trying to kill points in by delete sop using @birth>some_value.


And looking into the spreadsheet it looks like it's working. Eg when I set my some_value to 0.2, I dont get any points older than 0.2. But in the viewport I can see that the points are still not dying.





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Any reason you are not using Age Particles and Reap Particles settings on the FLIP Solver? Then you can simply set the Life attribute to determine how long each particle should live for.


No need to overcomplicate things, especielly if you need to hand over your scene to someone else. I would have no idea where you created the attribute Birth in your scene since it's in a really weird and unusual place that doesn't make sense at all.

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Any reason you are not using Age Particles and Reap Particles settings on the FLIP Solver? Then you can simply set the Life attribute to determine how long each particle should live for.


No need to overcomplicate things, especielly if you need to hand over your scene to someone else. I would have no idea where you created the attribute Birth in your scene since it's in a really weird and unusual place that doesn't make sense at all.


I didnt use it because I didnt know about it. Thank you :)

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