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VOPSOP replacement in H14

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I've been trying to follow this tutorial on how to create a crack in the wall, and all was going well until I tried to use a spline ramp to adjust the scale of my crack. In the tutorial he uses a VOPSOP to create the spline ramp and then calls it into the scale parameter. This is where I get stuck. Since VOPSOP is no longer with us, I used attribsop in its place, but when I try and call the attribsop for the scale it just plain doesn't work, and I have zero idea why.

Here's a link to the tutorial I'm following, the timestamp is the part I;m having trouble with.




If anyone is at all interested in trying to decipher where I've gone wrong, I've included the hip file with my wall object.


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You're not alone - this was definitely the most disruptive thing H14.  Take solace in knowing it changed for good reasons and SESI did try to ease the pain as much as they could. -_-

I've also struggled with this and found it to be extremely inconvenient.  Do you have a link or a short reason as to why this was done?  My main gripe is loss of var maping on new atrributes created within vops. 

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  • 10 months later...

Hey guys
i have problem with this too
but i heard that in houdini 14 and 15 instead of using vopsop we should use Attribute Vop

and other types of vop, like point vop, primitive vop and others

however from next versions we will have just Attribute Vop


If you want to have access to the old VOPSOP, type this in a textport:


opunhide Sop vopsop

Ryan, thanks for your comment, but can you explain more about this command "opunhide Sop vopsop" ?
what exactly it does?



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houdini doesn't normally delete nodes, they make replacements and hide the deprecated ones.  this means an older hipfile will still use the older versions of things and work fine, but when you go to place a new node down, the old nodes don't show up.


"opunhide" is an hscript command that lets you reveal the older nodes so you can place them manually.

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