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Dry Lights


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I have the pleasure to present you Dry Lights directed by Xavier Chassaing, a good friend.

This is an experimental film that was rendered on Clarisse (isotropix).


As you may know in Clarisse you can't do much whitout database of assets. Most of them are procedurally generated in Houdini.

- We created otls to generate any numbers of jusha tree, cactus, rocks, etc ...

- The terrains are come from dem maps and then resample with help of vop/vdb (analyse curvature/slope/altitude/noise ... ) to add details.

- the volumetric are generated and exported to vdb

- we have made fluids simulations to drive some of the lighting effects specialy at the end and the waterfall sequence


just sit in the dark then listen and watch ;)

Hope you like
































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Excellent work! Very striking atmosphere with a unique and well-executed concept.


This has made me curious about Clarisse. I remember hearing about it a while back but mostly forgot about it as it doesn't come up all that often, but looking at their website now it seems the 2.0 version just recently came out and they have a PLE version as well, so it seems like a good time to check it out. 


Anyway, back on the Houdini side, I was wondering if there was any use of CHOPs here. There are a few moments where the flickering of the cactus lights seems to match the music very well - is any of that actually being driven by the music or is it simply a case of tweaking the existing effect to mesh with the soundtrack? Music-based animation in Houdini and CHOPs in general is an area I'm very interested in getting into more, so I'm curious what role, if any, that played here. 


Once again, great work!

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Thank you,

For this type of project, landscape with procedural control of texture "inception" in multi scatter clarisse is reqlly powerfull.

For example we scatter variation of spine on cactus, then scatter this "combine" object on terrain and next we can can control the emit light of each cactus and each spines. Really impressive and easy to use.

Also clarisse can eat any numbers of polygons without any lod tricks or users intervention.

The sound design was done by Thomas Vaquié without any use of chop, it s really impress me !

Have fun


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

hi papicrunch

I have some questions about Clarisse .can you share more information about Clarisse?

1. how did you use fluids simulations to the lighting effects?

2. how did you control the emit light of each cactus and each spines? especially each splines, they were in "combine".

thank you very much!


solved, there is a parent level option!

Edited by luoqiulin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Gorgeous, very conceptual, I love it.


Curious what your render times (and hardware specs) were like on this with Clarisse and what the shading model is like (ie: are you turning off reflection calcs, is it a simple Blinn * Fresnel model, etc).


I love working with Mantra and Houdini, but I don't love the render times and have been shopping around lately.


Cheers, and congrats.

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