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VOPs and POPs in Houdini 14

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Hi guys,


I'm new in this formun and very new also on Houdini, I started to use it early 2015 with Houdini 13 and now use the version 14 and I have one question on it.


In Houdini 13 I used the Vopsops node for create the attribute (like color) for distribuite the particles on my surface (Pops in emission source choose the Color -CD- ).


In Houdini 14 Vopsops is change and now I try with Attribute or Point but Nothing, doesn't work.


I find some information online, but don't find a real solution of it... (or I didn't understand what I need to do...)


My english maybe is not the top, so I link ou video (with my workflow) and my scene file.





Thank you fro your help


p.s.: sorry if my first message is for ask help...

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Hi Matteo,

Your English is great :)

And the bug you found is interesting. Although you did make one small mistake.

The bug is that the pull down menu does not show available prim attributes. Your mistake was not reading the help on the attribute. POPs is expecting a prim attribute, not a point attribute.

If I were you I would submit this bug to support.

I wish everyone would submit a video with their question, that was very helpful!

cheers and good luck!

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is that really a bug?  Cd is a vector.  how does a vector control the chance of something being birthed?  perhaps it would work if you manually enter "Cd" there, perhaps taking just the red channel.  but that seems like sketchy behaviour that may or may not work, so my guess is that they don't populate the menu with vectors (or strings or matrices, etc) since they don't make sense in the context of a "chance to emit" operation.


instead of using color to control your chances, create a new float point attribute called "spawn" or something.  (use the bind vop).  it should populate just fine.

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Hey guys....


SideFx is very strong and good.... Ok, maybe my question is more easy, but I send email at 5:31pm and they answer me in a few minute (i have experience of italian support service from Autodesk... :S...).... anyway they answer me the same solution of Fathom (thank you also to you)


"You can enter the attribute manually (Cd) though, and it should work."


I try and work... Thanks to all.


@Fathom... Thank you for your comment and I study more (yet) so I try/study also your solution


"instead of using color to control your chances, create a new float point attribute called "spawn" or something.  (use the bind vop).  it should populate just fine."


thank you


I hope to post some news in the next future...


have a nice day



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