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HDA incomplete asset definition


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Hi there =)


I'm running into a strange error with Houdini and digital assets. I'm trying to open a scene containing a digital asset and when I load it manually with cmd.exe (houdini.exe scene.hip) everything works perfectly.


However I'm trying to open it inside a python script so I'm using the os module to do the same thing (os.system("houdini.exe scene.hip)). But when the scene opens it says that my HDA has incomplete asset definition.

If I right click and check type properties it says my hda is embedded.


Do you have any idea why this work by loading the scene manually either by loading it in houdini or opening it with a command prompt but not with my script ?


Thanks for your help!

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Instead of using os.system you may want to investigate subprocess.popen instead for launching the app. Then you can provide a current working directory which might be causing the problem you are having.

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I've tried with subprocess already, and it failed too unfortunately :/ subprocess.call and subprocess.Popen, I even tried with QProcess, which is the qt way of launching process and same error :/

Thanks for the help !

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