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Add Attribute


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Hi everyone, I'm a new Houdini user and I have a question please:

I want to use an "add attribute" node in "attribute vop" context but I don't know where to attach my float input correctly. I have a Houdini version 12 file that has this node with different inputs that I cant find in H 14 nodes. I tried to use "bind" node instead but there's no variable mapping in this node. can you please help me in this case.


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The addattribute can create the attribute, set it's data type, default value, and mapping.

The setattribute can then be used to set the values.


You could also use bind instead of setattribute, but you would still need the addattribute to define the data type, default value, and mapping.

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I am new too.. and I have a question about several ways of adding attributes..


how many ways do we have to connect an attribute to a node?

- addattribute..  + set 

- using attribute wrangler 



and which of them is preferred?


I saw a tutorial about initialing and attribute like using @v=@v in attribute ( or point) wrangler...

can we use addattribute instead?

that makes me confused...


thank you in advance 

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Hi Peon

In an Attribute Wrangle og Point Wrangle you can write:

v@"attribute_name" to make a new vector attribute

f@"attribute_name" for float

s@"attribute_name" for string and

i@"attribute_name" for integer attributes


Personally i prefer this method as it's easy to read.

The "Attribute Create" node does the same thing


In VOPS you can do the same thing with the "bind Export" node set to "Export always"




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thank you Bonsak!

for the sake of beginners like me;

I sum up the methods ( to add a costume attribute to a node) we can use:


- using addattrib + set attribute

- attribute create node

- bind export in vop context

- in point and attribute wranglers ( like v@ " attribute name" ... etc).


did I drop some way else?

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