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[SOLVED]Recover The Console?


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Hi All,


How do I control when the console appears and when it does not on Windows 7?


It seems like when I don't need it it is always popping up yet when I want to view some printf() statements I can't figure out how recover the console?


In Blender you can simply add '-console' after the .EXE and it will always popup the console window. Blender also has a nice menu feature which allows you to "toggle" the console on and off. I wish Houdini had this feature. I am stuck not being able to code this morning because I can't see my debug results. And what is strange is that yesterday the console was there just fine.


Yes, I have 'HOUDINI_WINDOW_CONSOLE = 1' in my houdini.env and it does not work. Setting the environment variable does not cause the console to appear when I launch Houdini 14.396. :(

Edited by Atom
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