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Weird smoke behavior - have a look:


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Hey there- 


Check out the smoke at the end of this clip




It's as though it suddenly loses all of it's dynamic behavior, except for its dissipation...


There are no hidden keyframes there ...  What the heck is going on? Is it because the emitter (the tire) has gone so far off the right of the frame...?


Speculation welcome. 



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I think it is an illusion. You have no forward motion so the smoke just sits there. Perhaps add some directional wind after the smoke fills up but before the car leaves. The car should be creating some kind of back draft.

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Well, it's definitely not an illusion - I thought that at first, actually, but if you step through it, you can literally see the frame at which the smoke stops moving up. It's as though the bouyancy / velocity suddenly keys to zero on that frame. 


I did check my resize dynamic nodes - the "clamp to maximum bounds" is not checked. However, I strongly suspect the fact that the emitter travels so far away to the right has something to do with it, since these events coincide.


I am starting to suspect it may be a RAM issue because of an error message I saw on a node (late night, can't remember) - something on the lines of "ERror Node can't be calculated due to Ram on machine" or something. Also I re-sim'd it last night, with a slightly larger division size, and it made it about 10 frames further before the smoke freezes. See this:


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In your video I see the sim bounds moving the entire time. This means the bounds are probably expanding with your car, far beyond the camera frustum. This adds more and more voxels as time goes on, and uses more and more memory for smoke that you cannot see through the camera.


You only need to deal with the smoke that the camera can see. Limit your max bounds to be slightly larger than the camera frustum.

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Another thing you can look at is the sourcing of the velocity. It looks like the velocities are all just set  to zero at one frame. Not sure what would cause this, but if you are sourcing the velocity with a "copy" mode and your source ends up funny, it might overwrite all the velocities in the sim.


Not sure if this is still the case, but for a long time houdini did not have a great way to source velocities out of the box, it really pays off to implement an "over" mode and an "max length" mode and they are not hard to do.


Hope that helps



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