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Wipeout Racing Vehicle


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Been working with the team over at Quixel on some promo materials for their upcoming Suite V2 release. All of the texturing and materials for this asset were set up using the Quixel Suite, which is an absolutely amazing tool for creating very realistic looking assets. Not to get all pluggy, but I highly recommend giving it a look. www.quixel.se


All lighting and rendering done with Mantra and Houdini.


There's a few more shots than this in the final trailer, but I'm playing favorites.




And if you can't get to the video, here's stills from the two shots I uploaded.






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Hi Kardonn, can you tell something about the shadersetup?

Did you use the principled shader or did you build your own one?

What maps did you generate from quixel? Albedo, spec, rough,...?


Thank you, Gregor

Edited by gekkonier
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It's basically a version of the H15 Principled Shader that I'd set up in H14 a couple years ago. I'm using all of the Disney BSDF tools that Wolfwood wrote and posted here on ODForce, but then I modify several key things that I don't like from the Disney model.


I get rid of the Metalness workflow in exchange for having reflectivity mask diffuse. I'm not a fan of that Disney approach to metallic materials at all.


Some other things like Specular is no longer an arbitrary 0-1 slider, but rather you're explicitly telling the shader what the 0 degree reflectivity rate is instead, along with the ability to use colors for it instead of just a float.


That way all materials are described simply as Albedo, Roughness, Reflectivity.


Then I strip the Disney coat parameters in exchange for a fully controllable coat that properly masks things beneath it and lets you set its reflectivity and roughness directly.


This asset here is exported from Quixel as Albedo, Specular, Roughness, Normals. The clearcoat maps I just derive from the Specular/Roughness.

Edited by Kardonn
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Thank you for your explanation.

I'm building my own shadersetup, so any information helps. Thank you for that.

Can you tell me what exactly you don't like about the metallic workflow?

How do you handle reflection color on glancing angles if you don't use a metallic mask?


Best, Gregor

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Colors on glancing angles are determined with the Schlick curve, you just input the color on the facing angle and it does the rest.

What I don't like with metalness is that there's too much cross-chatter between the maps needed to build up a surface, and I also don't like the way the maps end up blending together when you're trying to make a single surface with multiple different materials on it.


Say you have a piece of stone with some copper filigree details on it. In the simpler Albedo, Specular, Roughness model, all you need to do is have your stone color as the Albedo with some kind of dark rusty color where the filigrees are, your Specular map is pretty much just 0.02 everywhere, and then copper ~{0.84, 0.44, 0.22} for the filigrees, and then your Roughness map would be somewhat rough for the stone section, and a little more polished for the copper.


In the Albedo, Specular, Metalness, Roughness workflow though...suddenly your Albedo map has this very bright copper color where the filigrees are (because that becomes your reflection color when metal = 1), your Specular map describes nothing at all when those copper bits are present, and you have to maintain and output this 4th map at all times for masking the Metalness. Then the worst thing is that any anti-aliased spots in those maps are some weird half-metal shader with this really bright orange/copper diffuse value to them.


So really far as I see it, the pros and cons:


A/S/R workflow



  • What you see is what you get at all times. Your diffuse map is easy to open and interpret without having to cross check it against a metalness map to help you understand what will happen in the final shader. Diffuse map is always your maximum diffuse albedo. Specular map is always your F0 reflectivity.
  • Blends well in the in-beteween sections of the maps.
  • Only 3 maps to maintain and interpret when creating materials.

Metalness workflow



  • If anyone can think of one I love to hear it! I personally have zero to say in the pros column of this approach.
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