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Align Null Axis To Scene Axis?


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Hi All,


I have a FBX rig with nulls as controllers. Is there anyway to re-align the axis of the null so it matches the viewport axis?


In this image I have  a null controlling the mouth of the character and I want to move it to the right but due to the orientation of the null this is not an easy task. But looking at the lower left portion of the viewport I can see that the X axis is the pointing to the right. I would like my null to be aligned to the viewport so I could simply translate on the X axis.


I know other 3D packages have ways to do this but how do I do this in Houdini?


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Hi, do you need it just for moving nulls in viewport? If yes then you can set Align Handle to View. (shortcut M)



If not then you can parent it under another Null , which will have Look At set to your camera. Then if you set Align Handle to Object it will be aligned to camera.

Edited by Juraj Tomori
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