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Problems with Mac version and "concave" setting in dopnet (vid


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Hi guys,


I was working on a simulation and I had a lot of problems with my houdini for Mac version 14, 15.343 and 393 (downloaded when it was a daily build, now I see that is marked as "production").


The problem was inside the simulation "dopnet_rbd", with "concave" setting as a geometry representation for the RBD object.


Playing with the voronoi fracture settings (cusp interior and exterior objects, create inside surface and connect inside edges) Houdini crashes when starting the sim.


Does anyone has my same problem? There is something I can do or something I do wrong (for example some rules like: you can't use concave toghether with <this> setting...)

In my opinion it may be something related to the video drivers but it's just an hypothesis


Thank you for your help.






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You don't mention what the specs are for your Mac? Check the minimum requirements page for your hardware. For instance, I have a MacMini which is no longer supported by SideFX because the Intel HD400 only has 1.5gb of vRAM and Houdini needs 2GB minimum, but Houdini 15 does still run. It also crashes too.


What you can do is open up Houdini and press the D-KEY to bring up the Display options. Turn off as many bells and whistles as you can. Mainly the Effects TAB Use Materials check box. Save this as the default, exit Houdini and re-launch and try your scene again.


Often I'll get more stability out of Houdini on my Mac by keeping my viewport in wireframe mode only. The I use the Points toggle to display things such as particles. FLuids are pretty much out of the question in my scenario but they may work on your Mac depending upon the graphics card you are running.

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I'm working on exactly the same machine and don't have any problems at all. Some very rare crashes when running out of swap, nothing unusual.

OSX 10.11.3, H15.347 (previous production build).


Edit: I checked your scene and everything looks just fine - no crashes..


Edited by rayman
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Unfortunately I did not resolve the problem and I am not sure on what generates it.


I had a crash, and from that moment I cannot run my simulation anymore (a different file this time).


I am almost sure that is a problem related only to my machine (I tested the file on windows and worked) but I don't know how to solve it.


I reset the SMC and the NVRAM but it didn't solve the problem.


Maybe is not related with the video... Any other ideas?




EDIT: Proceeding further it seems that the problem was related to the temperature, but not sure.

This is what I did: I downloaded a tool to push the fans to the maximum RPM.

Meanwhile I recreated the DOP network step by step and it was working.

Later on, I tried the same DOP that was freezing and it worked correctly... This makes me think that the high temperature prevent the mac to work correctly and somehow "stopping" Houdini since it was asking too much resources.

Edited by lazza79
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