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VEX get particle life?


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Hello All,


I can't seem to find the syntax for fetching the life values from a particle system. For some reason they are stored as life[0] and life[1] in the geometry spreadsheet instead of simple floats.


When I try to fetch the life value I get VEX errors.

float current_particle_life = f@life[0];

if I try to fetch it as vector I no longer get an error but the value returned is always zero.

float current_particle_life = v@life[0];

If I fetch the attribute directly I do get a value but it does not match the values in the spreadsheet?

float current_particle_life = f@life;

I also want to fetch life[1] which is the death time of the particle.


Does anyone know the correct syntax for fetching both parts of the life attribute into individual floats?

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Ah, thank you.


It looks like I needed the short character 'u' to access that type of variable.

float current_particle_life = u@life[0];
float current_particle_death = u@life[1];
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