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Setting attributes using VEX


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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to give a value to an attribute of a line connected to an attribute vop sop. I know I can give a value to the global variables like P, N, Cd etc. but what if I want to give a value to something like the direction of the line ( dirx, diry, dirz ) using vex. I can access these attributes easily using ch() but setting the values is not as simple as dirx = 1;

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To set a float attribute in a wrangle node you can write

f@dir = 1;

To set a vector attribute you can do

v@dir = {1,2,3};//note curly brackets

or else if you want to set it to some sort of variable you need to use the set() function - 

v@dir = set(@ptnum, @N.y, 0);

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I think Victor may be asking about channels, not attributes, which VEX can not do at this time as of H15. So he is not looking to set an attribute on the data of the node but instead set a value on one of the parameter channels of the node.

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On 5/1/2016 at 0:54 PM, j00ey said:

To set a float attribute in a wrangle node you can write

f@dir = 1;

To set a vector attribute you can do

v@dir = {1,2,3};//note curly brackets

or else if you want to set it to some sort of variable you need to use the set() function - 

v@dir = set(@ptnum, @N.y, 0);


Hey @j00ey, thanks for responding and I'm sorry if my post was confusion but yes, @Atom is completely right.

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