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Viper MkII


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Yes, that 12 hour workday just isn't doing it for me... need more work!!!! ;)

No, I just really dig the show, and I like to dabble in modeling every now and then. I found really great reference pictures online (curtesy of zoic, who are doing the awesome effects for the show), and thought it'd be a fun project.

Thanks for the nice comments everyone!


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Hey Jens,

Something I noticed that has not been done yet on the model wires is you need to microbevel or do a very tight close polysplit on the edges. That way when you renderpolys as Subds you will get nice perfect sharp edges that the light will build up on just like in real life. By the way your model is looking really great. Nice attention to detail. Loving it man. Keep up the good work.


Nate Nesler

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