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save selected nodes as

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Here is some code you can put into a shelf tool (only tested under Linux):

import os, time, subprocess

sel = hou.selectedNodes()
parentNode = "hou.node('/obj')"
filePath = "/tmp/myTempNodes"
p = sel[0].parent()

if p.parent is not hou.node("/obj"):
    parentNode = "hou.node('/obj').createNode('%s','newparent')" %(p.type().name())
saveCode = '"' + "import os, time; newParent = "+parentNode+"; newParent.loadChildrenFromFile('"+filePath+"'); newPath = '/tmp/hipFromSel_' + time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.hip'; hou.hipFile.save(newPath)" + '"'

pyCmd = os.environ["HFS"] + '/bin/hython -c ' + saveCode
print "Saved new hip file"

You can save nodes to a file using saveChildrenToFile(); then use loadChildrenFromFile() to read them in as they were saved.

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  • 7 years later...
On 6/25/2016 at 11:18 AM, goldleaf said:

Here is some code you can put into a shelf tool (only tested under Linux):

import os, time, subprocess

sel = hou.selectedNodes()
parentNode = "hou.node('/obj')"
filePath = "/tmp/myTempNodes"
p = sel[0].parent()

if p.parent is not hou.node("/obj"):
    parentNode = "hou.node('/obj').createNode('%s','newparent')" %(p.type().name())
saveCode = '"' + "import os, time; newParent = "+parentNode+"; newParent.loadChildrenFromFile('"+filePath+"'); newPath = '/tmp/hipFromSel_' + time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.hip'; hou.hipFile.save(newPath)" + '"'

pyCmd = os.environ["HFS"] + '/bin/hython -c ' + saveCode
print "Saved new hip file"

You can save nodes to a file using saveChildrenToFile(); then use loadChildrenFromFile() to read them in as they were saved.

filePath = "D:/test/myTempNodes.cpio",Need to add suffix,Only then did it run successfully
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