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Change $HOME to Another Default Folder (on Windows)

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Hello guys, 

It might be simple but I've been searching for this all around the web and couldn't find a proper solution.

When i'm creating a new project, it's default directory is "$HOME/HoudiniProjects".
$HOME is set, by default, to "C:/Users/Admin/Documents/"

Can I change the $HOME variable to something like "F:/HoudiniProjects"? and keep this path as default?

Thank you very much and I'm sorry if there is another topic related to this. I just couldn't find a helpful one.


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Great. Thx, Michael.

I'm note using Houdini for real production projects, I'm just studying it. The problem is that my C: is an SSD with only 100GB and I can't store RnD simulations on it. With that problem I have to go all the way through another path on every single project I'm working on. That's reaaally boring. 
I thought it would be a common issue but it looks like there isn't many people with this problem. 

I think I'll create another - and more specific - topic on it. 

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studios build an environment to create and store project info...they don't rely on individual users to do things right ;)

often times a project requires a very specific combination of application versions, third party libraries (python, boost etc etc), proprietary code, project management (Shotgun etc) asset management software etc to function correctly...it's a huge issue to manage properly. The New Project feature is just a little tiny version of this for basic Houdini use.


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