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mesh simplifying question

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I have a polygonal box, and I want to reduce its polygonal resolution, so instead of having 1x1 faces I want 0.5x0.5 faces. The task seems very easy to me, but when I applied polyreduce I got "bad" results (triangles with large areas and sharp angles), and when I applied remesh I also got triangles with "strange" topology (plz see attached). Is there a something that works like anti-divide but keeps the topology and somehow keep square faces square ??




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You are using the right nodes. For your box, just control the division inside the actual box node. Polyreduce does not work well in this box case but it does work better for other cases, so use it on a character, for instance. You can also try converting to VDB and back but you may lose some detail in that workflow.

Have you watched the PolyReduce Tutorial?


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Thanks :) Good to know that I am not missing some important nodes :) The box was just an example, most probably I will have a mesh that is given to me and I need to poly reduce it... I think VDB might give better results. Once more, thanks for help :)

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