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Getting list of all point positions from a SOP

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Hi all,

   I need to make a script that can get all of the point positions from a sop. I.e. I have a curve sop, I put a transform after that curve sop, and need to make a brand new curve sop with the point positions from the transform sop. Then I can delete the original curve and transform and be left with the new curve only. But I don't see how I can get those points' positions into a string to put in the new curve sop. The plan is to use hscript and probably the tcl plug-in. However I do it, I'd probably generate an "opadd" for the new curve and make an "opparm" line for the curve coordinates, I just don't know how to get the coordinates. It's probably easy. Any advice?

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Here is some python code that looks at the geometry of it's input and creates a light at each point. Maybe this can help you construct a new curve to match your requirements? It at least shows how to get the points from a source input. In this example script the source geometry comes from an ObjectMerge so input could be any valid sop.

node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()

def fetchIfObject (passedName):
    # Return a named item if it exists.
        result = hou.node(passedName)
        if result == 0:
            result = None
        result = None
    return result
parent_name = "light_container"   # Name of master object that will hold all the generated lights.
subnet_name = "/obj/%s" % parent_name
parent = fetchIfObject(subnet_name)
if parent == None:
    # Create a SubNet for all lights to reside under.
    parent = hou.node('/obj').createNode('subnet', parent_name)
for (i,point) in enumerate(geo.points()):
    light_name = "ilight_%s" % i
    ob = fetchIfObject('/obj/%s/%s' % (parent_name, light_name))
    if ob == None:
        # Light does not exist, time to create it.
        ob = parent.createNode('hlight', light_name, run_init_scripts=False)
        ob.parm("light_type").set(0)        # Set the type of light.
        ob.parm("coneenable").set(1)        # Turn on the spotlight cone to convert this point light to a spotlight.
        ob.parm("light_colorr").set(1)      # Set light color.
        ob.parm("light_intensity").set(1.0) # Set light intensity.
    # Set the position for this light.
    p = point.position()
    ob.parm('tx').set(p[0])         # Position the item.
    ob.parm('ty').set(p[1])         # Position the item.
    ob.parm('tz').set(p[2])         # Position the item.
    # Rotate the spotlight so it is facing down.



Edited by Atom
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Hi, here's a slightly different alternative. Also using python.

Use this as a shelf tool. Select a single SOP node, then run this tool. It will copy the point positions to the clipboard.

node = hou.selectedNodes()
if len(node) == 1:
    sop = node[0]
    if type(sop) == hou.SopNode:
        geo = sop.geometry()
        pnts = geo.points()
        plist = ""
        for p in pnts:
            pos = p.attribValue("P")
            plist += str(pos[0]) + "," + str(pos[1]) + "," + str(pos[2]) + " "
        print plist
        # copy to clipboard by asnowcappedromance
        listcount = len(plist)
        if listcount > 0:
            import PySide.QtGui as qtg
            app = qtg.QApplication.instance()
            clipboard = app.clipboard()
            string = hou.selectedNodes()[0].path()

* Got the clipboard functionality from asnowcappedromance's thread :)

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