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UVs and Attribute Interpolate


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Hi all... I've got a shape with some animated deformation & I've got wires sprouting off the surface, simulating happily. Now I've extruded these wires to achieve a sort of tinsle/fur effect. 

With the help of my work colleague I've managed to normalise my UVs so that each "fur" strand occupies the whole UV 0-1 space. However, as with most simulated things I need to bake this to avoid texture swimming and I'd like to use attribute-interpolate to lock this UV layout throughout the simulation now & I'm struggling to get the node working. (Said colleague has gone on leave now.... *shakes fist*)

Could anyone take a look at my file or point me in the right direction? I'm assuming I want to interpolate to vertices & use vertex numbers and weights... and I'm assuming I just need to tell it that vertex 1 is vertex 1, with a weight of 1? Or do I?

Also what is the deal with the polyextrude SOP? I just can't seem to get it extruding edges in a predictable and consistent direction, no matter the normals that I feed it!

Many thanks


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can't help with the uv, but I placed a polyextrude in place of your extrude node, and only changed the extrusion mode to "point normal", with the same distance value (0.043) and got the same result. And the edge1 point group stay correctly populated.

hope it helps,


weird thing tho, the polyextrude node give the same result on all frames except frame 1.

Edited by 6ril
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Thanks 6ril, I'll check the polyextrude out again (I was previously trying to use local frame)

In any case, I've sorted out the UVs, it was way simpler than I expected - I ended up running the animated parts through a vertex VOP, made an xyzdist node & popped that created the sourceprim & sourceprimuvw attributes I needed.


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