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Attribute Vop can't calc stuff over time?


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I imported an FBX from Nuke and tried to calculate angles between locators inside of an attribute vop. I can calculate a detail (once), but need the value every frame newly calculated. So I tried to use a point with an attribute vop set to point context. I'll receive an error message the H can't calc since the input values are changing. I use a constant node inside the attrivop to get the values from attribvops custom interface.

What's wrong here, that H doesn't want to calculate a simple dot product with the locators coordinates?




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Well, it didn't update here.

The strange thing is that the spheres (as a representations) update, but not the calculation.

Actually I would like to do that in NUKE, but I have no idea how to calculate stuff like this in the Foundry's app. Neither which node I would use, nor which language/syntax.


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You see why don't you?

If you view the code from your VOP you get...

// Code produced by: hip
    Value = { 849.99700927734375, 548.57501220703125, 0 };

Values defined with braces can not have changing values, you must use a set function instead. If you wrote your solution using a wrangle you would not have this issue because you could manually type set() instead of {}.

// Code produced by: hip
    Value = set( 849.99700927734375, 548.57501220703125, 0 );




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4 hours ago, Pancho said:

Well, it didn't update here.

The strange thing is that the spheres (as a representations) update, but not the calculation.

Actually I would like to do that in NUKE, but I have no idea how to calculate stuff like this in the Foundry's app. Neither which node I would use, nor which language/syntax.


Instead of constant VOP use a parameter VOP.

That will automaticly promote parameters to the attribute VOP, then write your expressions in the promoted parameter fields, not inside of VOPs.

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