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Exporting Animation Series from Houdini to Max


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Hi guys,


Im fairly new to houdini and finding my way around, I have the Indie license.

I am trying to export and Alembic or any other format of whatever animation I have created in houdini back in to my max scene.

I can successfully export an OBJ frame, but unable to export it as a series/animation, neither can I export an animation as Alembic.

I am trying to export an Alembic animation through ROP_Alembic, but everytime I press Render to Disk, it turns red and nothing happens.

Any idea? I have attached my file for your reference.

Thanks guys.


Screen Shot 2016-12-26 at 8.57.08 PM.png

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Perfect thanks man!

So it would be something like this? $HOME/Desktop/$F4Animation.obj or $F4$HOME/Desktop/$F4Animation.obj

As for the non-commercial file, how can I avoid that? As I am paying a license for the Indie version.


Edited by mossawi
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Could be for a few reason, have you copied and paste nodes from a different setup that maybe was from a non commercial, maybe you are using an OTL or Digital asset that is NC, etc ... 

it would be something like 


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