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getting children of objNode


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I am trying to check whether a node exists in my scene and also to check for its children within. Suppose this is the full path of the node that I am trying to check which is `/obj/my_node`

In a simpler term to get the children, this is one of the method I know of:

node = hou.node('/obj/my_node')
for item in node.children():
    print item

But as mentioned, I am trying to check whether if a node exists.. this is how I did mine:

# Check if my_node exists
check_for_node = hou.node('/obj').recursiveGlob('my_node')
if check_for_node:
    # This gives me an error...
    for item in check_for_node.children():
        print item
        # AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'children'

    for item in hou.node(check_for_node[0].path()).children():
        print item

Can someone kindly tell me why is it that I am unable to use the first method (that error code part). 

So far, the differences I am seeing is that check_for_node[0] is of hou.objNode class while the method I know is of hou.Node class. What are the significant differences between them?
Is there any way for me to simplify hou.node(check_for_node[0].path()).children() into shorter form? Also, is the line I wrote for filtering using recursiveGlob a good way to check if the node exists or not?

Edited by salik
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This is a good way of finding nodes, you've simply lost a little detail:


already returns you a tuple of nodes, not a node, which has a method children() - so you can't call check_for_node.children(). children()  will be available in any possible element of that tuple, but you don't need that anymore with recursiveGlob(). 

candidates = hou.node("/").recursiveGlob("my_node*", filter=hou.nodeTypeFilter.Sop)

if candidates:

   # if my_node[postfix] exists and its type is SOP, candidates includes my_node along with all its children (if any)





Is there any way for me to simplify hou.node(check_for_node[0].path()).children() into shorter form?


as follows from former part: 

for node in check_for_node:

   print node.children()

   # will repeat what was already in check_for_node




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14 hours ago, symek said:


candidates = hou.node("/").recursiveGlob("my_node*", filter=hou.nodeTypeFilter.Sop)

if candidates:

   # if my_node[postfix] exists and its type is SOP, candidates includes my_node along with all its children (if any)

Hi, by using `my_node*`, would that not find all similar nodes that have the name - my_node, eg. my_node, my_node1, my_node2 etc.?

So there isn't a way to find a node of specific naming then?

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Here is what I have been using for a while. I fetch node children based upon type. For instance if I need all the NULLs or all the Bones in a rig.

def childrenOfNode(node, filter):
    # Return child nodes of type matching the filter (i.e. geo etc...).
    result = []
    if node != None:
        for n in node.children():
            t = str(n.type())
            if t != None:
                for filter_item in filter:
                    if (t.find(filter_item) != -1):
                        # Filter nodes based upon passed list of strings.
                        result.append('%s%s%s' % (n.name(), USER_DATA_DELIMITER, t))                    # name~type.
                    result += childrenOfNode(n, filter)
    return result

def toggleDisplayFlags():
    # Scan nodes based upon types and set their display flag based upon toggles.
    lst_toggles = [("Object geo", `ch("tgl_mesh")`),("Object null", `ch("tgl_controllers")`),("Object bone", `ch("tgl_bones")`)]
    for entry in lst_toggles:
        display_flag = entry[1]
        nodes = childrenOfNode(hou.node(node_path),[entry[0]])
        for (i,node) in enumerate(nodes):
            ary = node.split("~")
            if len(ary) > 0:
                node_candidate = "%s/%s" % (node_path, ary[0])
                n = hou.node(node_candidate)
                if n !=None:


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1 minute ago, symek said:

Just remove the wild card? Sorry for a confusion, just wanted to show you what glob is about.

Okay, I may have probably lost you instead :)

Quick question though, if I am continuing to implement back using the `recursiveGlob` command with the wild card, is there anyway that I can simply grab at the /obj level - /obj/my_node, /obj/my_node1 without its children? Currently the results is showing my every nodes including its children such as `/obj/my_node, /obj/my_node/my_node_child, /obj/my_node1, /obj/my_node1/child`...

Because I am trying to add in a check logic in my script such that if more than 1 my_node exists, it will prompt user some notice..

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