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python add all deep render properties


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I am struggling with adding all deep render properties inside a mantra node with python. To do so manually via interface is quite simple, I go to node - edit render properties - filter *deep* - add them all.
However I am modifying mantra nodes with python and it would be great if I could do the same thing automatically.

So far it seems rather tedious - I need to create all ParmTemplates, match their signatures and append to a FolderParmTemplate and set this to the node. Another thing worrying me is menu parameters - I do not need to create interface with menus, can I only set the desired value? Is it equivalent to creating a string parameter and setting it's value to menu item's name (not label)?



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So I  realized, that it is not possible to set rendering properties as mantra command line arguments. But I found cool solution for my problem, it can be done easily with hscript.

opproperty -f /out/mantra1 mantra* *dcm*

This did the trick, I am calling it with hou.hscript() in Python.

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