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H16 Scene Bloat?


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Hi All,

This is the first time I have seen Houdini do this, but my scene size keeps going up every time I save.

My scene originally weighed in around 2Mb-4Mb as a tracking scene. Now it is up to 198Mb. I close and reopen the scene and save it again and it has jumped up to 768Mb.


Has anyone else experienced this kind of large growth in scene file size?

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I have submitted this one. The odd thing is that when I ZIP down the HIP file for submission, it becomes very small in file size. So I don't think the bloat is real data. It is definitely related to the Trackers generated by the SynthEyes hScript.cmd. When I delete all my trackers and save, the file starts to behave normally again. But without trackers I have no scene...

The odd thing is that I worked with the Trackers for several iterations before this bloat began. Actually I think it worked fine using the production build H16.504 but when I moved up to the daily build H16.540 (because viewport sluggishness has been fixed) I think that is when problems occurred. I typically prefer production builds but the viewport lag on the H16 release is so slow that I had to upgrade.



Edited by Atom
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As an alternative problem with same bloat issue. If the tracker program is placing nulls for it's tracks, an increasingly large amount of nodes can make the file size jump extremely large. The same happens when large fbx or alembic trees are imported into the scene, especially if it keeps running tracker say on load, or you keep adding fbx/alembics to a scene. If you dump the tracks to a native bgeo cache, and remove the nodes the scene file would shrink. 

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