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Draw lines while player jumps?

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Hey guys,

I have a mocap data where I pluged scatter points on the player and calculated the ones on the floor for each step, what I need to do is an FX of the jump, only when the player jumps display trails or particles, any suggestions?




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16 hours ago, Atom said:

Have you seen the continuous trail thread? Maybe you could animate it on and off?

Nice!! Haven't seen that, checking now, seems like lot of great stuff to analize, and will come in handy for this project I'm working out.

What I need to calculate or animate is just the jump height distance, can't figure out how to calculate and connect points between the player foot, and the ones that I transfered on the foor, I created 2 attributes for each one with $ID but not sure how to connect or measure, been reading and point clouds or vops could be the solution but didn't figure out yet, would love to share the hip but I can't due to NDA, its super simple setup though

Will start checking that thread, thanks Atom!

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19 hours ago, caskal said:

Nice!! Haven't seen that, checking now, seems like lot of great stuff to analize, and will come in handy for this project I'm working out.

What I need to calculate or animate is just the jump height distance, can't figure out how to calculate and connect points between the player foot, and the ones that I transfered on the foor, I created 2 attributes for each one with $ID but not sure how to connect or measure, been reading and point clouds or vops could be the solution but didn't figure out yet, would love to share the hip but I can't due to NDA, its super simple setup though

Will start checking that thread, thanks Atom!

You can use an add sop and connect by attribute and enter "id". as long as there are proper id's they'll connect

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8 hours ago, trzanko said:

Nice! Let me know when it's finished, excited to see the final result!

Sure thing! will post on finished stuff and tag you, will be on air on mid may so got a long road yet :D, first houdini paid job, super happy!


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