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Basic smoke moves through collision geometry

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Hi people!

I'm learning some things in Houdini to create HDA's for cinema 4d or export vdb's simulations to render in c4d.

In this case, I want to make a smoke simulation but I have one basic issue that I'm sure it solves with a simple way.

I have one torus emitter inside of a tube but the smoke doesn't respect the tube geometry, It moves through it. How can I fix it?


Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 7.55.00 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 8.43.36 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 8.43.49 PM.png

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you should use pyro collision and not RBD collision...one way to do it is to select an object (i.e. the collision object), then go to populate containers shelf -> collide with Objects, then follow the instruction ... you might need to increase the simulation substeps if you still see penetration (i.e. smoke going through the collision volume) OR you can increase the thickness of your collision volume (i.e. instead of using just a tube, create a volume with a thickness that you can control, the thicker the object is the better it's to stop smoke from penetrating)

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