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Animate geometry with a delayed fracture

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What I am trying to do is quite simple to visualize at its most basic level.

Imagine a spinning or otherwise animated torus which then 'explodes' or 'shatters' when it reaches frame 100.


So I have the following

1- my source geometry

2- a geo network that creates the shattering effect from the source geometry in #1 using voronoi fracture and optionally caches the static geometry to a .bgeo before feeding a DOP Import SOP.

3- a DOP network referencing the DOP Import from #2 that creates the 'exploding' or 'imploding' effect with a delayed activation to frame 100. The result is cached out to .sim files.


Here is where my confusion starts. Between frame 1 and 100 I need this geometry to animate (before it shatters)

Should I simply reference the cached .sim files from #3 as source geometry for any sort of animation I want to achieve or is there another option?

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Timeshift your sim geo to start at frame 100. Just put $F+99 in the field. Then after your timeshift sop you can animate the torus, just be sure to turn off that animation before your sim starts unless you want it to effect that too. You could also use a Timewarp but shift is easier. 

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