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VEXpression Presets


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hey all,
I might start this thread and ppl can keep adding presets to it.

Requirements: H16

I've done Spherify and Morph using the new Point SOP as can be seen here:

and here:

Now next step was to create presets so I've done that to my file in:

C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 16.0.633\houdini\VEXpressions.txt

File is attached...but you don't have to use it...you can edit it manually if you prefer...so navigate to your file (do a backup first), and add near the bottom:

# Attribute Expression
    Pass Through

    Constant Value

    Multiply by Constant Value
    self * value

    Add Constant Value
    self + value


    Random Scale of Value
    value * float(rand(@elemnum))

    Random Offset of Value
    value + rand(@elemnum)

    Second Input's Position

    Flatten Vector
    set(self.x, 0, self.z)

    Uniform Parameter on Polyline
    vertexprimindex(0, @vtxnum) / (primvertexcount(0, @primnum) - 1.0)

    Subtract Center of First Input
    self - getbbox_center(0)

    Spherify P
    lerp(self,(normalize(self - getbbox_center(0)) * ch("radius")) + getbbox_center(0),ch("Amt"))

    Spherify N
    @P - getbbox_center(0)

    Morph to 2nd Input
    lerp(self, point(1,"P",@ptnum),ch("Amt"))

You can see the ones I added in bold called Spherify P, Spherify N and Morph to 2nd Input...so next time you use your Point SOP you'll have these presets.

(the Spherify P and N logically go together in one Point SOP)



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where is this $HOME thing ?...still not very confident with these variables...so i read a post on SESI and some guy had so much troubles trying out this file in umpteenth locations...so i thought...screw it...i'll edit the file directly instead of 'appending'


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On Windows example locations are:

$HOME  C:\Users\username\Documents
$HFS   C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 16.0.633
$HH    C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 16.0.633\houdini

"$HOME/houdiniX.X/VEXpressions.txt" is a portable way to say something like "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\houdini16.0\VEXpressions.txt". You can override stuff from $HH here.

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ok, my C:\Users\xxx\Documents\houdini16.0\VEXpressions.txt works straightaway, so only include user/custom snippets in here otherwise, it will double up. (note: Documents is just an alias of My Documents)

# Lines starting with # are comments and ignored
# Each entry starts with no indentation and gives the key used
# by the menu callback.  By convention, this is nodename/parmname.
# Multiply keys can be given for the same entry.
# The next line gives the name of the expression.  Its indentation
# level is then used for the remainder of the text.  All the
# code until the next parameter are appended together to make
# the snippet.  All preceeding indentation is removed.
# Note that tabs == 8 is assumed.

# Attribute Expression

    Spherify P
    lerp(self,(normalize(self - getbbox_center(0)) * ch("radius")) + getbbox_center(0),ch("Amt"))

    Spherify N
    @P - getbbox_center(0)

    Morph to 2nd Input
    lerp(self, point(1,"P",@ptnum),ch("Amt"))

    Flat Bottom
    set(self.x, clamp(self.y, ch("Level") + getbbox_min(0).y, getbbox_max(0).y), self.z)

...and btw, your custom ones will appear BEFORE the default ones...

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a couple of common ones, Archimedean Spiral and Helix...no need for any 'plugins'.

(note the names suggest usage on lines...by default a line is created straight up in the Y axis...so if you want to apply to a grid...then simply align your grid to the Y axis)

    Line - Archimedean Spiral

    Line - Helix

Does anyone know how to 'arrange' so that the custom ones appear AFTER the default ones...cuz I actually prefer to see the defaults on top...?

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I must be so dumb that I can't properly use the default Taper...

So I wrote my own VEXpressions:

    Taper X

    Taper Y

    Taper Z

Why can't it be this simple to use ?


Edited by Noobini
EDIT: added 'mult' channel as a Multiplier, after you created the Parameters, set the 'mult' to 1 (as default)
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Droop: (move over squab...here comes Piggyphant)

    set(@P.x,@P.y - ch("droop")*chramp("effect",fit(length(set(@P.x,0,@P.z)),0,getbbox_size(0),0,1)),@P.z)


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    set(@P.x*ch("melt")*chramp("effect",relbbox(@P).y)+@P.x,clamp(@P.y - ch("melt"),getbbox_min(0).y,getbbox_max(0).y),@P.z*ch("melt")*chramp("effect",relbbox(@P).y)+@P.z)


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Collision Deform:
- 1st input - Geo to deform
- 2nd input - Collider

    Collision Deform
    length(@P-point(1,"P",nearpoint(1, @P)))<ch("dist")?lerp(@P,@P+@N,ch("deform")*chramp("lip",fit(length(@P-point(1,"P",nearpoint(1,@P))),0,1,0,1))*(1-length(@P-point(1,"P",nearpoint(1,@P))))):@P




Edited by Noobini
added sample scene
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so this is how I would do the Collision Deform with wrangle...yes, much more legible and don't have to repeatedly get the distance/nearest pt...question is: is it possible at all to declare/use 'variables' (like dist) in VEXpressions ? (are VEXpressions/snippets strictly one line jobs ?)

int nearestptnum = nearpoint(1, @P);            // get nearest pt number
vector nearestpt = point(1, "P", nearestptnum); // get nearest pt
float dist = length(@P - nearestpt);            // distance to nearest pt of collider

@P = dist < ch("range") ? lerp(@P,@P+@N, ch("deform")*chramp("lip",fit(dist,0,1,0,1))*(1-dist)) : @P;


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I guess, Attribute Expressions assumed to be simple and artist-friendly. You can use just a Wrangle for complex code, obviously. It's the most straightforward way. It also supports VEXpressions.txt file.

Since it is VEX, you can use semicolon to split instructions. It is possible to place almost everything in a single line. You can't hack everything with it: for example, modifying other attributes will output an error due to Python scripted restriction on exported bindings list (which attributes can be modified). Why this is forced to be selected attribute and not left to the default asterisk? Strange.

Here is the hack. Start with "bypass" statement. It will allow for @P to stay unmodified and terminate initial assignment. Then add any statements you want. Check Generated Code tab to see the final snippet. It's all just a dirty hack, but it will work. So you don't need to call same expensive geometry traverse function again and again.

// Attribute expression.
@P; float x = @P.x + 1; @P = set(x, @P.y, @P.z)

// Generated Code.
v@P = @P; float x = @P.x + 1; @P = set(x, @P.y, @P.z);

// Same, but split statements by newlines.
v@P = @P;
float x = @P.x + 1;
@P = set(x, @P.y, @P.z);


Edited by f1480187
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wow wee...I thought I'd keep it simple...yesterday I tested by prefixing a working one liner with int i=1;...surely that would work....but nooooooo it has to be @P first......thanks f1480187 !!! ok, let's hope I can do some cleanups and make these less cryptic...

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ok here's the Collision Deform in a more legible format if you you go ALT+E to go into Expression Editor mode:

    Collision Deform
    int nearestptid = nearpoint(1,@P);
    vector nearestpt = point(1,"P",nearestptid);
    float dist=length(@P-nearestpt);
    @P = dist<ch("range")?lerp(@P,@P+@N,ch("deform")*chramp("lip",fit(dist,0,2*ch("range"),0,1))*(1-dist)) : @P


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Taper: (3 axes in 1) you can delete the orig 3 separate Taper X/Y/Z



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Collision Deform: improved with N Bias

    Collision Deform
    int nearestptid = nearpoint(1,@P);
    vector nearestpt = point(1,"P",nearestptid);
    vector nearestptn = normalize(point(1,"N",nearestptid));
    float dist=length(@P-nearestpt);
    @P = dist<ch("range")?lerp(@P,@P+(@N*ch("n_bias"))+(nearestptn*(1-ch("n_bias"))),ch("deform")*chramp("lip",fit(dist,0,2*ch("range"),0,1))*(1-dist)) : @P




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I'm not yet capable of doing FLIP sims but just thinking ahead if it's possible to advect/art direct a crown splash with geo like this...(or use in pyro...)


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Melt: (less Z fighting)

    set(@P.x*ch("melt")*chramp("effect",relbbox(@P).y)+@P.x,clamp(@P.y + ch("thickness")*@N.y - ch("melt"),getbbox_min(0).y+ch("thickness")*@N.y,getbbox_max(0).y),@P.z*ch("melt")*chramp("effect",relbbox(@P).y)+@P.z)



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Neighbourhood Watch: (NB: to be found in Group Expression)...for quickly identifying 'polar' verts.

# Group Expression
    Neighbourhood Watch


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