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(Novice) Error Message: "The selected mesh has no surface triangles" (but i have already tetrahedralized)

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I'm trying for the first time to work with gravity and various 'Solids' attributes (like organic mass/tissue etc) . I imported an object i worked on in Zbrush. Then worked out it needed to be a tet, so converted it using tetrahedralize. Now I get the error message you can see in the pictures that states "The selected mesh has no surface triangles" - but I converted it already! What am i doing wrong here? Any help would be enormously appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance

Screenshot (738).png

Screenshot (739).png

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If you MMB on the tetrah node you'll see it is sans-polygons, so change 'Output' to 'Polygons and Tetrahedra'. You can also just merge the original mesh to with a tetrah-mesh - the overriding idea is that the FEM solver now collides polygons and tetrah.

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