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Wire solver feathers, question

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Hey everyone!

For my graduation work I am creating a feather generator, what i have now is a Digital asset with the generator for 1 feather. My end goal is to position the feathers over an object with simulations, like wind, involved.

Im am not a pro in Houdini, I know the basics and I am figuring it out mostly with youtube, but I dont get this right at all. So I positioned my feathers (4different subnets for 4 kinds of feathers) over a sphere to test some wind simulation, and I figured that i need a wiresolver to get this result but this is where the trouble starts. It is hard to explain, but what i want to accomplish is that my feathers are stuck to the sphere, and softly move in the wind. 

Does anyone have an idea how to tackle this? I tried a lot of thing with the wire solver but I doesnt move at al.

So if you want to help a poor student please be my guest! Any opinion can help, or if you just know a good tutorial about this that is also great!

Kind regards






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I would suggest instead of trying simulating that entire feathers you could simulate the wires that can deform de feathers latter you could do a point deform to do that, this kind of workflow is often used to simulate trees with a lot of geometry.

I hope that helps.

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Hey Michel,

Thank you so much for your answer, this helped a lot! But I am A bit stuck on getting the feathers on the wire, I packed the feathers but this results in some weird animations, what I think that the prolem is, is that because of the packing my feather consist out of only 1 point so I have to find a way to pack with multiple points following the curve of the feather but I dont find the solution, do you have any thoughts on this?


Kind regards

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In this case to make your feathers stable you will need to calculate your up vector in conjunction with your normals to make it work correctly but in the end if you intend that your feathers to interact with each other and the body of a bird packed objects are not an option at least in this stage if you research you are going to find that in some systems each feather is dealt individually to get good results there are some technical papers in the internet talking about it I would suggest you read them.

Anyway good luck with your project.



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If you had been using the search function you would have found this (with scene file):

If you want to do more research:




Edited by Drughi
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