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Skeleton Out For Houdini?


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If there is a way to export houdini skeleton to other app (for example via biovison file)? I mean, some standard way, sure it can be done with scripting.

And second question: I have some messy stuff with importing bhv files into Houdini. Bones make some strange rotation, which is not in bvh file. (I also checked bvh by importing to other app. - everything is ok in it) I found this topic:


which tells me that my problems rise from different rotation channels ordering in bioviosion tool then in bhv file or Houdini (!?)

I wonder if there are conclusions in that discussion other then waiting for some improvment in biovions tool?

Should I just work with objs joints and not to import bones?

Does anybody try to write a new parser of bvh? Does community need it?

What are expected difficulties of writing such parser? I'm quite interested to do it if there is no tricky stuff (basic coding expierience)

Thanks for advice!


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there was no big response for my questions but I've scaned a bit my issue and just want to mention to all those interested in import/export skeletons inside Houdini, that there is a module bvh in cgkit for Python, which reads, writes bhv files and define class for storing and manipulating rigs and channel data so it's almost trivial to menage/import/export your rig via python script.



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there was no big response for my questions but I've scaned a bit my issue and just want to mention to all those interested in import/export skeletons inside Houdini, that there is a module bvh in cgkit for Python, which reads, writes bhv files and define class for storing and manipulating rigs and channel data so it's almost trivial to menage/import/export your rig  via python script.




Thanks for the info, Symek. Again; wonderful info for the Wiki, if you dare ;)

(We admins should have a stamp, like "Wiki It!" and whoever started the post is suddenly honour-bound to place a summary on the OdWiki. :))

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Thanks for the info, Symek.  Again; wonderful info for the Wiki, if you dare ;)

well... just little embarassed. I suppose it should me something more then such info, examples of usage... or quick intro to cgkit.bvh it self? Give me some time and tips:)

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  • 5 weeks later...


I'm using BVH and Motion Analysis, and neither work perfectly right now in Houdini. I sort of have a solution with BVH and IK but it is missing some data (hands and feet). The BVH stuff in Python sounds really cool! I wish I had time to deal with it, I need to push forward in my project. Any info you want to share would be lovelty ;)


Peter B

well... just little embarassed. I suppose it should me something more then such info, examples of usage... or quick intro to cgkit.bvh it self? Give me some time and tips:)


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  • 7 years later...

No export, but many bugs in the .bvh importer (and recently, the acclaim importer) have been fixed since 2006. As far as I can tell, there are no known issues with any of the mocap importers.

As for import/export since then, there's FBX these days as well.

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