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Help.....digital Asset

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Hi Everybody.....

I have created a Digital Asset, and it has a curve SOP inside.

I want to give user, the control to edit that curve shape,

Or even to creat a curve. How can I do that. I don't want to give a control with fix number of points.

Somethinf like Path Object, where user can create a path, and corresponding path CVs are created automatically,thru Hscript. I tried to crack that, but could,t find the hscript that does this. I saw the Creation script for path object, but that is different.

Is there any way that I can attach whole creation interface of curve SOP to Digital asset????????

Help, Help,Help.

Thanking in advance.


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There are several ways to approach this, none of them are ideal, or exactly what you describe.

1. Have the curve sop external to the hda and have it supplied as the second input ( This is my personal favourite)

2. Have a curve sop inside the asset - but the asset has to be unlocked for this to be usable - on the front of the asset you can put a button that opens up a viewport with the curve in it for editing.

3. Use an add sop and have the coordinates for the points linked onto the front of the asset. This is closest to what you describe but isn't as flexible as just using a curve sop.

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I'm also of the same advice with proposal #1 ... I'm planning to make few HDA and when something have to be .. addedd or modified.. (i mean geometry like your curve) i prefer to make 'em as inputs of the HDA..

and now here's my question.. is the HDA inputs limited to 4?.. how to add more visible in the netview?


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Thank u Everybody.............

Connecting Curve externally is a good option. I had it in my mind.

But didn't know whether that's a best solution.

One more thing. You didn't answer to that one.

Where is the code for Path object Interface. When u create a Path object in viewer, you get messages like, "Left click to add points and right click to complete". I tried to fing out the code for that. But couldn't.

Creation script for that is also different. It deals with point created by user, but doesn't show how to let the user to create those points.

Where is that?????????

Thanking in advance..


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