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Attribute decay on repeating geo


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I am trying to make my age attribute decay over a series of frames. I am not using pops, so I had to create my own solver. Basically, I have repeating rings being scaled up to a certain point then stopping.

Now what I want is to have the "age" attribute on each ring decay from 1 - 0 from beginning to end. So each ring that gets scaled up, the age attribute would be something like : age-1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6.....0 

However, what is happening is that each ring is getting a constant value for every iteration of rings that get scaled up.... so the first ring has age 1, then the second ring has age 0.9, then the third ring has 0.8  etc... instead, each ring should be changing the age down to 0 by the time it stops.

ultimately I am going to remap the age attribute to the Alpha so that each ring gets faded off by the time it stops.

It's a little tricky to explain...I will attach my scene file for anyone who wants to take a look. 

Thank you.


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I just shutdown my pc for the night so I didn't look at your file, but if you add an attibute say @counter = 0; before the solver and then in the solver @counter +=1; you can then @age = fit(@counter, 0, 20, 1, 0) to give you a countdown.

sorry if I misunderstood



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Hate to bring this up again, but I have seemed to run into a small issue with this.

Basically, I am trying to add on frequency and speed to the rings. 

I noticed that if I changed the modulus in the switch, i can achieve the frequency I want, however, this will not give me control on how slow or fast the rings move. I lower modulus like 2 will add plenty of rings, but will also move way to fast. My goal is to have many rings, but they move slower.

I understand that the expression that is making this move is subtracting the current position of each point by a vector P1 on every frame. But how would I add to this expression so that the rings don't move outward so fast? I'm really stumped. 

I will attach my file for anyone that wants to take a look.


Thank you




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