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Moana Island Scene [Dataset]


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It took about 3-6 minutes for scene generation using most instance points. The actual rendering of the scene, by Redshift, is fairly quick. I just tested it again and once buckets start moving it took 45 seconds for 1920x1080 on a 48Gb Ryzen 1700x running @3.7Ghz using dual 1070gtx.

I could probably get a faster generate speed if I took the time to cache out all the points generated from the python scripts. Currently they all need to run before each frame renders, which is a single core bottle neck.


Edited by Atom
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The Moana .obj files are textured using .ptex, which means there are no UVs on any of the provided geometry elements.  I am playing around with adding UVs to some of the larger scene elements so image based textures can be applied.




Edited by Atom
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  • 1 year later...

Do you mind me asking some questions ? 

First of all - thx for the scripts ;) 

1) do you know how to flip camera axis ? 

2) there's a primitives they call curve - do you have any ideas, how to well... cheat to have 'em too ?

3) also, facing instancing problems, where there's a mesh1+mesh2 and then they are instanced and transformed. Maybe you have a solution for this ?

4) and also - feels like, orient is not properly computed :(

Edited by Paul Oblomov
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  • 5 months later...
On 09/07/2018 at 9:02 AM, Atom said:

This bit of code will generate the camera for the shot.

import json

filename = r"S:\HoudiniProjects\Moana_Island\shotCam.json"
#Read JSON data into the datastore variable
if filename:
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        datastore = json.load(f)

camera_name = datastore["name"]
fov  = datastore["fov"]
focal_length = datastore["focalLength"]
loc = datastore["eye"]
rot = datastore["look"]
node_camera = hou.node("/obj").createNode("cam",camera_name)
if node_camera != None:


Using the above, I am unable to get a render that matches what was show for shotcam in the PDF that came with the dataset. Is setting the rotation correct in using the "look" values ?

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  • 7 months later...

Hi guys ! I find a way to render every obj with the ptx image. Now I'm trying to understand why and how I can have the same look has what did doubleailes (http://guerillarender.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1270) especial for the palm tree. I wonder if it's because it's using xgen to render the palm tree leaves. But has I can see from his image is that there are two types of palm tree (the light green leaves are why i rendered) and the  other palm trees have many details onto the leaves so has I said it might be a xgen stuff so I'm digging on that ! 


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