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guided ocean from animated geometry


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Hello this question was originally asked here (and I have pretty much the same question)


I am wondering if it's possible to simulate a thin layer of ocean from any given geometry mesh in houdini?"

Or from my input mesh that is a deforming animated plane? It is basically wave previs anim from Maya -- I am looking to drive a flip sim with this animation similarly to bifrost guided parameters:


In the sidefx forum I linked someone mentioned 
"- detect position of flip particle if it is below or above the surface if below the surface but the distance with the surface is below a certain threshold advect it by the point velocity. if the distance is more than the treshold
it get deleted every frame."

I was wondering if someone can headstart me with how to go about this implementation, does this process need to be done within the solver?


Thank you all for your time!


Edited by Omegaroth
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