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Vellum animated constraints


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Has anyone had any luck breaking constraints in vellum with animated attributes? I have set up a simple scene the constraint breaks fine using a non animated attribute but if you go outside the dop and plug the BREAK null into the animated colour the constraint fails to break, I've tried breaking it with some simple vex and had a play around with the vellumconstraintproperty node to but not having much luck.

on a side note has anyone been having a problems with the new visualizer tools in 17? should be able to click on a attribute in info tab and it will show the attribute in the view-port, seems to be throwing a error.



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Thanks Victor I will take a look, I actually found a work around which was to create a animated group in sops and then read that group back into a group created in a sop solver in dops using a `pointlist` expression. Its not working with attributes but it does what I needed. Will take a look at yours to.


Edited by aley
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