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Connect multiparm ramps


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Hey Odforcers,


I'm quite new here and have a question for you guys!
Currently I'm working on a tool and the basic idea of the tool is that the user inputs some curves, is able to create tweaks on the curves seperatly if they want to, and after that, i will do some other stuff with the curves that is not important right now ;)

i.e I want to give the user contol over the color of the curve based on a ramp (user input). 
So in the parameter interface,  I created a multiparm folder with a ramp in it. This way the user can make let's say 3 color ramps for 3 curves. The idea was that i created a for loop, with pointvop (witch sets the color ramp on the points), and based on the loop iteration a different ramp from the controller is used. (I hope this clear for you?) This is where the problem get's in! I have no idea how to reference the ramp values from the controller.

In the example file is a test with just a single color, witch works fine! But I get stucked when I try it with a ramp.
So my question is, is there a way to connect the ramp attribute from the loop to the ramp in the controller? Or otherwise, how would you deal with the issue if the user should have control over separate objects?

Al the help would be very welcome!


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