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access @ptnum from second wrangle input?

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How can I access the ptnum of the points coming in though the second input of of a wrangle?

I tried to do it with a point expression but i don't know what to put for the atttibute_name. 

s@name = point(1,"ptnum", @ptnum);

I want to concat the second input's point ptnum with the first input's name attribute after a copy to points sop. 

the copy and transform sop creates a copynum attribute which works to rename copies. but copytopoints doesn't 

How can i do this? 



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The result of this point call would be an integer. So try...

int local_ptnum = point(1,"ptnum"@ptnum);
s = s@name;
s@name = sprintf("%s_%03d",s,local_ptum);

This will zero pad the point number by 3 digits.

Edited by Atom
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I'm perhaps misunderstanding the question but if you lookup the point number of a point in another geometry using @ptnum, it's always just going to give you the same value back, no?

You're basically saying 'what is the point number of the point numbered @ptnum'



Besides, I don't think you can look up point number. You could give the geo in input 1 an id attribute to mirror the point number and look that up, but still if you say 'what's the id of the point with number 3' it's just going to return 3.

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