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OpenGL Texture in the viewport

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At exactly the 37:00 minute of the Houdini 16 Masterclass (Custom Shading). Kai mentions you don't need a HDA to access the Tags for realtime (OpenGL) texture shading; although, when I edit the parameter interface for a material builder, I assume I move the Diffuse Texture Layers from Render Properties to the Existing Parameters then add, for example; Texture#(ogl_tex#) to the Tags on top of what is added by default to the tags, and it will then render the texture in OpenGL, based on the texture in the material builder ?


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You only need the tag if the parameter isn't a recognized GL parameter. The viewport looks for ogl_tex1 - if it finds it as a parm, it uses that. If not, it looks for a parameter with the ogl_tex1 tag on it. This is so users can generate their own parameters (diffuseMap) without having to tediously channel reference them to a ogl_tex1 parm.

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If you tag a parameter with one of the recognized OGL tags, and the parameter's type is what is expected (ie, ogl_emission_map is IMAGE_FILE), then it should be recognized by the viewport. The tag names were taken from the names of the original OGL parameters, which still work as well.

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