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Overlapping Curves Offset with PointCloud?

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Hello everyone,

I have banging my head about the following set up: I have many curves overlapping each others and need to offset one of the two at the intersecting points like in the attached. I have tried both with pcfind and pcopen and succeded to find an array of points that represent the intersection areas. The problem now is how do i chose only one of the points in the 'group' and only offset that one in the y axes so to have one curve over the other?

Any other easier/faster method would be much appretiated. I also tried to get the intersection points from intersection analysys SOP but it deletes the original geometry and curvesect SOP only seems to work between 2 curves.

Thank you very much



Edited by whitecanvas
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You could ask whether nearpoints() within a certain radius come from a higher numbered primitive. And if they do, apply the radius minus their distance to your point´s height.

float r = chf('radius');
int pts_near[] = nearpoints(0, v@P, r);

float rise = 0.0;
foreach(int pt; pts_near){
    int pr_other = pointprims(0, pt)[0];
    if(pr_other > i@primnum){
        vector pos = point(0, 'P', pt);
        float dist = r - distance(v@P, pos);
        if(dist > rise){
            rise = dist;
v@P.y = rise;


Edited by konstantin magnus
The refine node removes unnecessary points.
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Thank you Konstantin, that get me close. I wanted to to something like that but i didn't know how, i  am still pretty new to vex. What if i wanted to animate the curves with a carve and have always the one reaching the other which is already passed, to go over? Also, what if a third line happens to overlap?How to get that to get its P.y to go over both of the previous?


Thank you, you help is crucial and appreciated!

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You can build bridges over bridges by stacking straight lines and using the number of ray hits downwards as height:

 // The space around the lines
float tol = chf('tolerance');

// Attributes we dont use, but are required for the intersect_all function.
vector ray_pos[]; int ray_prim[]; vector ray_uvw[];

// Ray direction and length reaching to the floor.
vector dir = v@P * {0, -1, 0}; 

// Slightly shifted starting position so it doesnt shoot itself.
vector pos = v@P - {0, 0.1, 0}; 

// Shooting ray and counting hits on other lines.
int rays = intersect_all(0, pos, dir, ray_pos, ray_prim, ray_uvw, tol, 0.01); 

// The number of hits is used to stack points of lines on top of each other.
v@P.y = float(rays) * 0.1; 


Edited by konstantin magnus
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