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Copy Stamp - outward rotation


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don't copy stamp, use template point attributes instead (N, up, orient).

if you just want random rotations for each object, you can use the Attribute Randomize SOP to generate a vector4 (use four dimensions) attribute called "orient", with the Distribution mode set to "Direction or Orientation". set this on the points that you copy to, before the copy SOP, and the instances will all be rotated.

Edited by toadstorm
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What about if you have 2 geometries (box, sphere) plugged into switch followed by a transform for the offset. How can you make a copy stamp with a 360/$NCY in Z rotation, so each time you increase the copy number, you would get a box for all odd numbers, and a sphere for all even numbers, thus forming a circle made of box, sphere, box, sphere, box, sphere, etc...




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Again, don't use a copy stamp.

You can define all your template points in advance, then use groups to separate even / odd points, then copy the appropriate geometry to each group. Alternatively, you can use a For/Each loop to define which geometry gets copied to which point. It's a little more complicated, but it scales up much better than Copy Stamping does, especially when compiled.

I'm attaching an example of both methods.


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