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Copy object UVs onto Vellum result


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[TOPEDIT]  Not over-writing my own UVs downstream would have been useful... sorry!  I can't see the "delete thread" button.

Sorry if this is an agonizingly dumb question.  I've brought in an OBJ with existing UV data, made a Vellum softbody from it and tossed it down a flight of stairs.

Tee hee.

What's a straightforward way for a relatively new user to copy UVs from the imported OBJ onto the Vellum output object so I can preserve the texture mapping?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Bog
I'm a dummy
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Depending upon how detailed your source OBJ is, you might try the old point deform trick. Instead of trying to recreate the UVs on the new vellum version, use the vellum version to point deform the original OBJ into the deformed vellum shape.

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